Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Staying Busy...

Busy, Busy …. And you guessed it BUSY!
I guess that I really shouldn’t complain about being so busy… but sometimes it would be nice to just have a breather, but around here … something is always going on!
These past 2 weekends we were open to the public for the Annual Fergus/Elora Studio tour. We had people tour the studio, had live demonstrations, hot apple cider and of course shopping! This year was our second year partnering with the local food bank and again it was a tremendous success… many people brought their perishable food items and we were able to fill 2 pallets with food! Thanks to the many people who brought in food! Stephen even donated 2 turkeys that he had!
Along with the studio tour on the weekends we have busy planning for trade shows 2010, new product for 2010 and our new catalog! The catalog will be going out in December of this year and will be mailed to everyone who placed an order in 2009! New catalog means new photos and today Sarah and I braved the chilly, slightly rainy weather to take some great outdoor pics, with our friend Jenn Huynh of Bloom Photography (www.bloomphotography.ca) we had a lot of fun and I am looking forward to seeing and posting some of the great shots that Jenn has taken, I have one as a sneak peak!
Also… don’t forget to get your orders in and take advantage of our great Bakers Dozen Special!

This last picture is Merrilyn (one of our amazing CSR) Front stoop all dressed up for Thanksgiving with one of our pumpkins! Send us your pics we would love to see them!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's Beginning to Look like Fall!

After a lengthy break, I am back… and I have some very exciting news about some things that have been happening around here!
The first bit of news is all about pumpkins! We are so excited about the response that we have been getting about the pumpkins this year. Many stores that had them last year are re-ordering and are they are telling us they are going fast! The pumpkins come in 3 different styles: Large Round, Large Oval and Small Round and they are offered in 3 different color ways: Orange, Rust and Amber.
Check out the website to see pricing! Pumpkins make an instant display and they are a holiday decorating piece that you can being out year after year. They are also able to go outside; I think they would look cute in the garden. (maybe only in the backyard!) We are currently offering a special that when you order 3 Large and 3 Small you will receive a FREE 6” Tree of Enchantment –Thanksgiving, check out the website for pricing and ordering.
The second bit of news is for non-wholesale customers. We are excited that we again are participating in the Fergus/Elora Studio Tour. The tour runs September 26&27 and October 3&4 from 10 -5 each day. If you are in the Fergus/Elora area, please stop by… we will be having demonstrations, door prizes and refreshments. The studio tour will also be the opening of our new on-site showroom.

If you are not in the area, check out your local studio tour and support some great local artists! They are a fun day out and a chance to learn more about your local arts scene.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Show Update

Atlanta was a great show for us! We had a lot of fun, meet some great new vendors and saw some of our old favourites. The best part of the show to me was the general atmosphere and vibe that I was picking up on. In January the vibe was slow, people seemed that they were only at the show because they felt they had to be and they were defiantly not in a buying mood.
What a 180 degree change! People were excited to be at the show, looking forward to the upcoming 4th quarter and just in general … optimistic! It was great, and we had great feedback on our new products!
Looking back through the orders, Sarah and I were so excited to see that Mini Angels were almost on EVERYONE! They were by far the hit of the show. Other hits included the new tree of enchantment balls; Christmas and Blessings. (I can’t wait to put up the mini tree of Christmas balls on my tree!) and continuing from last year, the pumpkins ( another item I can’t wait to decorate with this fall, can you tell that what seasons are my favourite!)
Later this week or next I will be posting our upcoming pumpkin special… stay tuned!
Our next show is the Toronto CGTA show and we are busy getting ready for it. It runs August 9-12 with a 4 day format, our booth number is 8107. After that we are headed to New York, there we have a new booth # which is 5402. The dates for this show are August 15-19th. During the New York show I will be flying to Chicago to participate in the IGC show ( Independent Garden Center) We have never participated in this show before and are really excited to try it out, we have been having a great response to our garden line, this show runs August 18- 20.
Whooo! August is sounding busy…

I hope that I get to see many of you at some of these shows and if not be sure to post some comments below!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Off to Atlanta

In a few hours we will be off to the Atlanta to participate in the Atlanta Home and Furnishings market at the America’s Mart in downtown Atlanta. I look forward to this show every year. While I am sure that some manufactures and vendors dread this shows because it is generally the biggest show and it is usually the first show of the trade show season, I find it inspiring. You get to see familiar faces, see what other vendors are doing, look at the trends, but most of all I love getting the chance to meet and see many of our customers. I like getting the chance to hear how now until January has been. I also like getting to introduce new products to them that I know they will love.

Many out there are talking about whether shows are still a viable and profitable way to sell in the giftware industry, and while I do see their point, I have to offer this in disagreement. In an age where e-news, facebook , twitter and other social networking dominate our lives and encourage us to shop in certain ways, it is still very satisfying to have face to face communication. It is still a much more enjoyable experience to walk in and out of booths, touch and feel the merchandise and then really talk to the sales people. For many smaller companies you are probably meeting the owner or artist. If you are meeting a sales rep, they can offer you endless advice for what is happening in your area. The most important thing is that you get to experience what your customers will experience when they walk in the store. They will touch the things that you touched and be wowed by the things that wowed you… Okay... Okay I can hear you all groaning… enough with the romance of the show! Sorry, I am just excited and looking forward to seeing familiar and new faces in a few days!

In Atlanta we are in 2 different places:
Galway Showroom: Building 2 Showroom: 1709
Temp Booth: Building 3 Floor 2 Booth 800

Whether you go to shows or not I hope that I get to talk to you in person or via technology!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Great Project

I first stumbled upon the 3/50 project in an unlikely place … facebook, okay I guess it is not that unlikely…everyone and their mom is on facebook. But, being involved with giftware and so many of our customers being exactly like the shops the project is aimed at helping, I immediately took interest.
The basic idea that the 3/50 project has is that shopping locally is the way to go, and with this we will see a rejuvenation in our local economies. The formula works like this and is very easy to follow.
Pick 3 Stores in your local area that you would be sad or disappointed if they went out of business or disappeared. Then at these 3 stores try and spend $50/ month, not necessarily in each store but total. On their website they suggest that if just HALF the employed population spends $50/month at a local store it would generate almost 46 billion in revenue!! (this is based on US Government stats) They also send the message home by explaining that $68 for every $100 spent in local stores comes back into the community, through taxes, payroll and other expenditures. When you spend at a National Chain only $43 comes back and when you buy online nothing.
Many times I have walked through the downtown of the city that I live in (Guelph, On) and I look in the shops and think to myself “I need to shop down here more often” but then it seems that the minute I need to get a gift or clothing I am heading to the mall. Since reading about this program I have become more aware of the impact that supporting our local stores has after all if they all keep disappearing I will soon have no job! This month I have to buy a new dress to wear to a wedding and a new set of sheets. I am committed to buying these items in my downtown shops.
Please take the time and go to the 3/50 Project website. They have many interesting ideas for store owners to promote the program in the towns and cities that you live. They have window clings, canvas bags and even flyers you can hand out to your customers.



Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It’s all NEW!

I am so excited today to be able to announce all of our new products for summer 2009 show season!
Yesterday, we had the photographer in to take the photos and they are really looking good! It is always an exciting time when we get to launch new products. We generally start the new product planning about 2-3 months before we plan to launch the products. Usually Stephen and I talk about what we would like to introduce, we think about comments we have received from customers and sales reps and then we start getting creative!
Here is what you will be seeing the summer at the shows…

NEW Tree of Enchantment
Tree of Christmas and Tree of Blessings
This is available in the 2 “, 6” and 10” sizes

Crosses – 6 beautiful 2 toned crosses perfect to uplift and inspire

“One Sip” Hummingbird Feeder – A smaller one feeding spout feeder that is available in 6 different colors

Mini Angels – Delicate angels that will be cherished year after year, each with their own story:
Memories, Protection, Blessings, Peace, Joy and Wishes

Holiday Ornament 3 Pack- This pack has 3 clear ornaments – each tied with a red ribbon, a great holiday ornament that will get a special place on the tree.

I will be posting the professional photos as soon as I get them, which the photographer has told me will be Friday! I am going to be in Dallas Wednesday – Friday at the gift show working with our great sales reps – Tim Gaskin and Associates. If you are in the area be sure to come by and check out the new products in person- Dallas Trade Mart 2535.

I will try and post something from the show!

PS* The picture I have posted is of our new Table Top Display Stand… I love how it looks with mini trees!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

For The Birds!

As some of you know we added a new Bird Bath to our line earlier this year. Well, I now have photo graphic proof that the birds really dig it! As you can see from this photo of a mourning dove, just relaxing in the bath after a long day of eating seeds and general birding! The birds who were visiting the bath seemed to like not only flapping around in the bath, but also drinking as well. The bath is shallow, so it is easy for them to access.
Another feature is that you can lift the plate off to wipe it off or rinse it with the hose, which this owner really seemed to like. Apparently her last bird bath was a bit cumbersome to clean out.
The Bird Bath is made with clear, recycled glass and is available in 8 different motifs. So far it has been a popular choice for our Garden Centers and Garden Areas in our gift shops!

New Product News Tomorrow!


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

It Starts! Trade Shows...

Well… I was off to a good start, but then flat on my face! Sorry for the delay in posting. We have been very busy here at Kitras, mostly deciding on what our new products will be for the summer shows, getting booths ready. There is a lot to do. Sarah Antonio, is our fearless trade show coordinator and she had been busy getting the product ready, finding flights (we have got some great deals!) and now staging all of the booths that we send. We are participating in many shows this summer and we are getting excited.

If you have never participating in a trade show before they are a lot of work, and that is not just work before. It is work before, during and after! Our trade show season is about two times a year. The first on is at the beginning of the year usually running January until March then the second wave of trade show madness begins end of June until Mid September. I don’t know why but the summer shows seems to be so much longer than the winter ones. It is roughly the same about of shows give or take one, but for me the summer shows just seem to drag on and on! Nevertheless we spend a good month before the shows start planning, talking about products, arranging booth spaces. Then building the booths, staging them and putting the final touches on new products… This is the stage we are at now. We just finished our booth and Sarah has picked the products and I have drawn the layout… we will start staging tomorrow!

I will be at almost every show, so I am looking forward to seeing everyone and showing off our great new products… but more about those later!


Friday, May 8, 2009

Going to the Birds

With Mother’s Day this weekend, many people will be giving garden related gifts, one of the most popular of those garden gifts are hummingbird feeders. Hummingbird feeders come in all shapes and sizes and in many different colors. At Kitras we have 3 different styles and lots of colors to choose from. We have Top Feeders that feed 3 birds, Funky Flowers that either hang or can be placed in a stake, down spout feeders for a traditional look and our newest heart feeder, that feeds 2 birds.
So… that leads me to the question… If you have feeders, how do you get them into your garden to feed? As a newbie gardener and birder, I went to my local greenhouse to look for some tip on creating a hummingbird garden. They suggested any sweet scented flowers, their top picks were; Honeysuckle, Trumpet Vine, Columbine and Beebalm. They also suggested that by putting out a hummingbird feeder it will attract them as it supplements the already natural occurring food chain you create with the flowers. Wow, this was some great information.
In Canada, we only have a very short time with our hummingbirds, mid April to end of May and then potentially a few here and there for the rest of the summer. In other parts of North America it is not uncommon for hummingbirds to be seen from March to May and then again in late July to September. I guess I am a bit late with my hummingbird garden here in Southern Ontario! I will just have to put out my feeder and hope for the best. At least my feeder is a work of art and will look pretty all summer long!

I hope that you all have a beautiful Mother’s Day weekend!


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Medallion Sun Catchers

Our Hand Pressed Medallion Sun Catchers are an item that doesn’t get a lot of attention. They are the forgotten middle child of the Kitras Art Glass product line. But… everybody has a time to shine and now is definitely their time!

We have two different sizes of medallions a 3” size and 6” size. They most popular size is the 3” and the price is just right at under $10 Retail! We have 84 different designs ranging from birds, flowers, new age symbol and nautical themed designs. There is sure to be something for everyone. Our medallions are hand pressed with 100% recycled glass and we are very excited to be offering a special for the month of May and June that will allow our retail store to have 17% off the regular price when they order 48! WOW that is a great deal and a great way to try them out in your store. Please call us at 1-800-439-6393 to place an order, get a catalog or find out who your sales reps is!

Here are my ideas on how you could use a Medallion Sun Catcher
- Hang it in a sunny window ( Yes, I know a no brainer, but still worth putting down)
- Tie a ribbon around it and use it as a way to accent or dress up a bottle of wine you are giving
- Use it as a way to decorate the top of a present
- They make excellent ties on the ends of pull down blinds

Please add your ideas down below… I look forward to reading them


Monday, May 4, 2009


Here we are taking a new and brave step into technology!I am sure that some of you are groaning... "it's about time!" But I am sure that some of you are right there with us trying to understand and fumble through learning this new technology and how it can enhance your business goals.
We hope to accomplish a lot with this little blog. We hope that it will give our customers a chance to connect with one another, to see specials as they happen and to see new product right away. But our most important goal with this blog is to be able to connect to you, our customers with practical help to grow your independent business; with marketing ideas, merchandising solutions and anything else that we happen to think might work.
This is my first post as a blogger and so far it has been a pretty painless experience. I am already looking forward to writing one tomorrow. I hope that you will enjoy reading it as well!
